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Spotlight on Bipoc Artists

Since 2001, when the Fenway Alliance founded and established the first Opening Our Doors Festival in the Fenway neighborhood of Boston, Black Artists have given generously of their talent, their art, and their creativity — challenging our thinking and transforming our public and private events. In recognition of these contributions and the contributions of works by Black Artists across our entire City, the Fenway Alliance, is expanding the focus of our monthly email newsletter and social media presence to feature Black Artists more prominently and consistently alongside news and updates from our member institutions and community partners. This effort is one small step we make in support of a broader citywide effort to create greater justice and equity in Boston’s arts community and the City at large. We have archived each of our interviews with BIPOC Boston Artists - first appearing in our email newsletter - below. 


Please read our Statement & Pledge June 20, 2020 here.

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