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Fenway Alliance Statement & Pledge

“Justice is what love looks like in public.”

Dr. Cornell West


June 5, 2020


The Fenway Alliance stands in solidarity and allied with all who are working courageously for racial justice and the dismantling of structural, systemic racism.  We stand by, with, and for you.  


As an academic and cultural membership organization, we support and vow to assist our 21-members’ sincere, vigorous, and sustained actions towards shifting institutional cultures to become more equitable, safe, representative of, and welcoming to all. We pledge to also assist our members’ urgently necessary and critical actions to promote diverse voices and leadership that represent those previously excluded.  


We pledge to use our platform and long-term advocacy experience to advance federal and state legislation such as that proposed by State Representative Ayanna Pressley on police reforms. We also pledge to amplify voices of members of our Fenway community to address racial inequity on the local level, and work with Mayor Walsh and the City of Boston to create greater racial equality in Boston.


In our upcoming newsletters, Facebook and Instagram pages, we at the Fenway Alliance will dedicate ourselves to giving space to voices of artists of color and organizations, so many of whom have given to us so generously over the years–challenging our thinking and transforming our events. These individuals and organizations contribute mightily toward making Opening Our Doors, TEDxFenway, and Fenway Porchfest excellent, vibrant, and joy-filled. We salute them and strive to amplify their culture-changing creativity.


The Fenway Alliance team seeks to broaden our understanding of the complex issues of systemic racism. We recognize we stand to grow in knowledge, and are eager to expand our understanding of Black experiences, art, and ideas. We encourage all of our members, partners, and community to join us in this journey.  



Kelly Brilliant, Genevieve Day, and Sarah Rathje

The Fenway Alliance 

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