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Fenway Cares

Since spring of 2020, Fenway Cares has been a collaborative, community-driven effort, formed to provide support and resources to Fenway residents in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Supported by community organizations including Fenway Civic Association, Fenway Alliance, Fenway Community Development Corporation,  Operation P.E.A.C.E , Audubon Circle Neighborhood Association, and Fenway Community Center along with residents and volunteers.

Fenway Civic Association logo
Fenway Alliance logo
Operation Peace logo
Audubon Logo
Fenway CDC logo
Fenway Community Center logo

Fenway Cares distributes 300+ bags of free food in the Fenway neighborhood in two locations - the East Fens at Symphony Park and West Fens at Fenway Community Center. - as well as deliveries to those families that are house-bound.  We estimate we serve roughly 400 Fenway families each month. 


Fenway Cares operates successfully because of the work of its member organizations and the commitment of resident volunteers. All Fenway Cares collaborative members have supported these distributions and have assured its success through communications, directly working at distributions and delivery events, and participation in regular planning meetings.

We rely on volunteers to support the work we do. If you are interested in volunteering your time at one of our distributions - currently twice a month, every other Wednesday, please click on the link below. 

Fenway Cares Volunteer Registration

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