October 9, 2023

Welcome to the schedule of events for the 22nd annual Opening Our Doors Day, a celebration of the Fenway Cultural District!
There are programs throughout the Fenway Cultural District including art exhibits, performances, nature and historical walks, art activities, open houses and more - please see our list of locations and program information below. Please check out our printable schedule and site listings below for more details!
OOD 2023 Kick Off Ceremony
10:00am -11:30am
The Christian Science Plaza
235 Huntington Avenue
Join us as we kick-off this year’s Opening Our Doors Day:
Welcome and speaking program with Rep. Will Brownsberger, Rep. Jay Livingstone, District 8 City Councilor Sharon Durkan; Anita Morson-Matra from the Mayor’s Office of Art & Culture; Carolyn Cole from the Mass Cultural Council; Reading by Boston Youth Poet Laureate Finalist Yolanda Oliviera (see bio below); Performances by Boston Children’s Chorus; Boston Youth Symphony Orchestras; Eon Dance Troupe; and a Children’s Parade with Hot Tamale Brass Band around the Reflecting Pool on the Christian Science Plaza.

Meet Boston Youth Poet Laureate Finalist Yolanda Oliviera
Hi, my name is Yolanda Silva Oliveira! I was born in Boston, MA, but spent most of my childhood in my family's home country, Brazil. Most of my work involves the celebration of culture and language. I’m currently a freshman at Tufts University. I'm also actively working with the Boston Public Library Services, hosting poetry workshops for children around the city.